Travel Authorization Request

Per the Office of the Provost, essential travel includes travel absolutely necessary to fulfill one’s core or primary job function and/or provide crucial support to the university, such as essential research or lab work. During times of restricted travel, essential travel must be approved in advance. It is the traveler’s responsibility to obtain approval from the traveler’s department Chair or Director and provide a copy to the LHWC Staff. 

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your designated staff contact:



Conferences, meetings, research/field work: Carolyn Church

Field trips (faculty): Allison Newman or Xoe Cranberry

Field trips (grad students): Kate Collins

Field trips (undergrads): Administrative Assistant Open Position or Xoe Cranberry


Faculty: Allison Newman

Graduate Students: Kate Collins

Undergraduates:Administrative Assistant Open Position or Xoe Cranberry


The following form must be submitted PRIOR to travel in order for a Travel Authorization to be submitted. Please note that reimbursements may be delayed if forms are submitted after these deadlines and/or if some information is missing (such as funding numbers).  Please also submit this form prior to using a p-card for travel-related purchases

If your Travel Authorization Request is for International Travel, after submitting, you will receive an email from the Office of Global Operations and Security. This email will request some pertinent details from you. Be sure to check your inbox, and reply promptly. 

KU is now using Concur for all it's travel authorization requests and KU business travel needs.  View the KU Policy here.